Optimized smart system for transportation using RFID technology

  • Ankit Srivastava G.B.Pant Engineering College,Okhla, New Delhi -110020, India
  • Ankita Gupta G.B.Pant Engineering College,Okhla, New Delhi -110020, India
  • Rohit Anand G.B.Pant Engineering College,Okhla, New Delhi -110020, India


The Internet of Things (IoT) has played a major role in making present day human life much easier. The focus of this paper is on the design, analysis, and evaluation of an RFID-based framework in the context of Optimized Smart Systems for Transportation using IoT and RFID technology. It aims to implement the ultimate innovative approach of IoT and RFID technology in the various significant fields of automobile application. The overall paper aims to achieve automation and digitalization to the maximum possible extent (as of now) in the areas such as smart and automated parking systems as well as transparent, effective, and digitalized challan systems. This paper-based RFID technology including other add-on technologies such as GSM, GPS, and Arduino is very much economical and competent in all aspects of implementation. This research work will not only reduce manual load and increase automation but it will also provide a better user experience, keeping people free from daily troubles at Parking Lots, Challans, and the need of worrying about vehicle documents. This would further lead to the peace of mind and thus indirectly would increase an individual’s productivity. It would also help the Government maintain transparency in Challans. Also, by being highly economical, these systems could be used without any cost barriers.
