Preface: Recent advances in mathematical sciences and applications



This special issue, dedicated to Prof.V. Lakshmikantham, consists of contributions made by some of the invited speakers of the conference A brief description of the papers in this issue are as follows.

Dr.V. Adimurty [1]of the Indian space research organization(ISRO) discussed on the complexities and Future challenges to the Mars Mission. Dr. Marat Akhmet et al.[3] proposed a method for replication of chaos from a prior one to systems with large dimensions and studied the mechanism of chaos generation. Dr. E. E. Escultura[10] described the new methodology of qualitative mathematics and modeling (QMAM) and the leap from traditional to new science. Dr.S.K. Sen[13] characterized Mathematics as the three distinct mathematics-Natural Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Mathematics and discussed their Scope in Engineering Computation Dr.S. Sunder et al.[15] studied
the conservation Laws and its Applications to the Existence and Stability Analysis of a Nonlinear Conservation Law Model in Production System Dr.P. V. S. Anand et al.[4] characterized controllability properties to design control schemes based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) for Discrete Linear Sylvester Repetitive Process. Dr.D.R. Sahu[12] introduced a parallel S-iteration process for finding altering points of nonlinear operators. Dr.A.K.B. Chand et al.[2] proposed a class of affine fractal interpolation surfaces (FISs) that stich the given surface data arranged on a rectangular grid. Dr. Bapurao
C. Dhage et al. [8] studied Global Attractively Results For Hybrid Functional Nonlinear Fractional Integral Equations Dr. Silvia Centanni and Dr. Paula Tardelli [6] considered a heterogeneous population of identical firms and investigated credit risk inspired by models coming from the biological literature, in discrete time setting. Dr. Vijaysekhar Chellaboina et al. [7] focused on the problem of pricing and hedging of a special class of financial products, namely, discretely-monitored path-dependent European Contingent Claims Dr. Drici etl.[9] gave a brief survey of results dealing with the comparison principle and existence results for terminal-value problems (TVP) for fractional differential equations. Dr. Ratish Kumar et al. [5] article emphasized on a complete mathematical framework to the concept of image processing (IP) based on Variational Partial Differential Equations (PDE) models. Dr. Jan Awrejcewicz et al. [11]investigated chaotic vibrations of flexible spherical rectangular shells loaded harmonically via the boundary conditions. Dr.A. Sengupta [14] gave an Introduction to a Scientific Foundation of Complexity, Holism, Sustainability.








How to Cite

Preface: Recent advances in mathematical sciences and applications. (2014). Nonlinear Studies, 21(2).