Bounds of a new four-dimensional hyperchaotic system with a two-scroll attractor


  • Rezzag Samia Department of Mathematics and Informatics,\newline University Larbi Ben M'hidi, 04000, Oum-El-Boaghi, Algeria


The estimate of the ultimate bound for a dynamical system is an important problem, which is useful for chaos control and synchronization. In this paper, using a technique combining the generalized Lyapunov function theory and optimization, we attempt to investigate the ultimate bound and positively invariant set for a new four-dimensional hyperchaotic system with a two-scroll attractor. To show the ultimate bound region, numerical simulations are provided.



How to Cite

Bounds of a new four-dimensional hyperchaotic system with a two-scroll attractor. (2024). Nonlinear Studies, 31(4), 1335-1341.