Existence results for impulsive fractional integro-differential equations through conformable derivatives in Banach spaces


  • B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science \& Technology, Chennai-600048, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • School of Sciences, Arts, Media \& Management, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641114, Tamil Nadu, India
  • School of Arts, Science and Humanities, SASTRA Deemed to be University, Thanjavur-613401, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science \& Technology, Chennai-600048, Tamil Nadu, India.


We examine the existence and uniqueness of a mild solution to the semilinear impulsive fractional integro-differential system [SIFIDS] through conformable derivative [$\d$] in Banach spaces. To do this, we work through the system in stages and use the method of semigroup of operators in conjunction with the Banach contraction principle. In the latter section of the study, a numerical example is provided to demonstrate the application of the theoretical ideas presented.



How to Cite

Existence results for impulsive fractional integro-differential equations through conformable derivatives in Banach spaces. (2023). Nonlinear Studies, 30(2). https://nonlinearstudies.com/index.php/nonlinear/article/view/3266