On the Coupled System of Fractional Pantograph Differential Equations with psi-Caputo Fractional Derivatives


  • D. Prabu Department of Mathematics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046, India.
  • N. Annapoorani Department of Mathematics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046, India


This work investigates the existence of solutions for a coupled system of fractional pantograph differential equations involving ?-Caputo fractional derivatives. The results are obtained by employing the Banach fixed point theorem and the Leray-Schauder alternative theorem. Finally, we provide some examples to illustrate our findings.



How to Cite

On the Coupled System of Fractional Pantograph Differential Equations with psi-Caputo Fractional Derivatives. (2024). Nonlinear Studies, 31(4), 1321-1334. https://nonlinearstudies.com/index.php/nonlinear/article/view/3215