A discrete-time dynamical system of stage-structured wild and sterile mosquito population

A discrete-time dynamical system of stage-structured wild and sterile mosquito population


  • V.I.Romanovskiy Institute of Mathematics of Uzbek Academy of Sciences
  • AKFA University, 1st Deadlock 10, Kukcha Darvoza, 100095, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;


We study the discrete-time dynamical systems associated to a stage-structured wild and sterile mosquito population. We describe all fixed points of the evolution operator (which depends on five parameters) of mosquito population and show that depending on the parameters this operator may have unique, two and infinitely many fixed points. Under some general conditions on parameters we determine type of each fixed point and give the limit points of the dynamical system. Moreover, for a special case of parameters we give full analysis of corresponding dynamical system. We give some biological interpretations of our results.



How to Cite

A discrete-time dynamical system of stage-structured wild and sterile mosquito population: A discrete-time dynamical system of stage-structured wild and sterile mosquito population. (2021). Nonlinear Studies, 28(2). https://nonlinearstudies.com/index.php/nonlinear/article/view/2429