Robust Output Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots via Higher Order Sliding Mode



Higher order sliding mode control has the merits of providing a fast convergence, alleviating control chattering effect and guaranteeing higher accuracy in the presence of uncertainties. In this paper I/O linearization and a second order sliding mode control technique have been proposed to implement the robust output tracking control of a class of nonholonomic control system with model uncertainties. With a suitably selected base for null space of the constraint matrix, a kind of uncertainties or disturbances will obey the "matching conditions" and thus the I/O linearization can be realized by an appropriate output function. In the end, an example of a robust output tracking control for a mobile robot is included for illustration.



How to Cite

Robust Output Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots via Higher Order Sliding Mode. (2004). Nonlinear Studies, 11(1).