Effect of prey migration on a delayed stage-structured prey-predator dynamics


  • Deptt. of Applied Mathematics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India 110042.


In this study, a delayed stage-structured prey-predator model is proposed. We review and modify the two papers S.A. Gourley, Y. Kuang(2004) [27] and Shengqiung Liu and Edoardo Beretta(2006) [29] and observe the effect of prey migration on the dynamics of the proposed model. We use Holling type II functional response.

Author Biography

  • , Deptt. of Applied Mathematics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India 110042.
    Research Scholar




How to Cite

Effect of prey migration on a delayed stage-structured prey-predator dynamics. (2018). Nonlinear Studies, 25(1). https://nonlinearstudies.com/index.php/nonlinear/article/view/1140