Nonlinear problems of guidance and control of a space robot-manipulator in geostationary orbit


  • Yevgeny Somov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, \ Samara \ 443001 \ Russia \\ \ Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia
  • Sergey Somov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, \ Samara \ 443001 \ Russia \\ \ Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia
  • Sergey Butyrin Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, \ Samara \ 443001 \ Russia \\ \ Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia
  • Tatyana Somova Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia


Nonlinear control problems of space robot-manipulator during mooring and docking with a geostationary communications satellite, as well as when its on-orbit maintenance -- replacement of fuel tanks and other important elements of the satellite's motion control system are considered.

